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Show Rules 
Rules Pertain to Maine Mavericks Club Only
Last updated July 2024 Gymkhana Dress Code 

1. A rider’s age as of January 1st will determine what age group they ride in for the remainder of the year. They must ride in the same age group all year and must choose this group at the first show they compete in. 

2. Membership renewals will be accepted through the last day of February each year with no late fee. Memberships paid after that date will be considered late and a $10 fee will be applied. 

3.  Anyone riding in leadine, walk/trot or beginner classes may not ride in any other division. 

4. Memberships (new or renewals) must be paid before their first show for points to be counted. 

5. A horse can be used in leadline/walk trot divisions by 2 people maximum.  

6. You must compete in two shows to be eligible for year end awards. 

7. Beginner riders have to be in their first year of cantering and can only ride in this division unless the Maine Mavericks board is petitioned for another year.  

8. The north end (gate) of the arena is the holding area for horses. Parking of vehicles and the presence of small children in this area is forbidden. 

9. Running of horses except in the designated warm-up areas is forbidden Warm-up areas are located near the holding area at the south end of the arena.  

10. Must have proof of horses current coggins and rabies and will be checked at the registration window. We prefer a paper copy but will accept a digital one as well. Original copies only.

11. Maine Mavericks reserves the right to amend rules to fit the clubs needs.   AQHA and NBHA rules are used as a guideline only. 

12. The Broome County Fair Board has ruled that we can only use the arena for Maine Mavericks sanctioned events. Any member found abusing this privilege will be suspended for one year. 

13. A rider becoming separated from their horse (unseated, falls off) during an event that does not require a dismount, is automatically disqualified from that class. 

14. If tack breaks during an event, the rider is automatically disqualified. Unless the ride can be completed safely without stopping to repair or replace tack.  

15. Anyone on the grounds is expected to display good sportsmanship and horsemanship. It will result in a disqualification for the day and asked to leave. This is to be determined by at least three board members. Repeat offenders could face expulsion from the club for one year. 

16. The use of foul language towards members, participants, judges, or board members is not tolerated. It will result in a disqualification for the day and asked to leave. This is to be determined by at least three board members. Repeat offenders could face expulsion from the club for one year. 

17. In gymkhana events, entering the arena at a run will be allowed as follows: the horse cannot commence running until his shoulder passes the first post of the entrance chute. Running before entering the chute will result in one warning and then disqualification for the day. Announcer, timer, official gateman or board member will make this determination. 

18. In payout events knocking down an obstacle a no time will be issued. 

19. Club gymkhana events: a knock down of an obstacle will result in a five second penalty per obstacle. Does not apply to pay out classes. 

20. There is a two minute gate call for all events after being called by the announcer. If entry is not in the ring the class moves on without them. 

21. Gymkhana events: If the rider is riding more than one horse, the rider must pick which horse gets pointed. If this is not specified, the first ridden will automatically be pointed. 

22. Stallions are prohibited in all youth classes. No one under the age of 16 may ride a stallion in either club shows or open shows. 

23. Horses known to kick must display a red ribbon in their tail. 

24. Cruelty to a horse will result in disqualification, forfeiture of points with no refund in entry fees and/or expulsion from the grounds. Cruelty may include but not limited to: striking the horse over the head, excessive yanking or pulling the bit, excessive striking of the horse or excessive spurring. Any show of blood on the horse will be an automatic disqualification. Cruelty may be determined by at least three board members in attendance. 

25. For the safety of all children, anyone under the age of 17 must be supervised by a responsible parent or guardian for the day. 

26. All dogs must be on a leash and the leash must be attached to a handler. 

27.  Every participant using the grounds, showing from their trailer or in the pole barns must clean up after their horses. Muck buckets and pitchforks will be available at the show booth. A manure pit is available for disposal of manure and hay. 

28. All ties will be broken by the judge with a ride-off. Leaving the grounds before breaking of the tie will be an automatic forfeit. Gymkhana ties will be broken by a run-off in the Figure 8 class. 

29. The Judge’s decision is final.

30. Dress Code: 

       English and Western attire suitable for each division is expected. 

       Helmets must be worn by any riders under 18 years of age.

       Jackets must be worn by English riders unless excused by the Judge.

       Each rider must have boots with a heel. 

       For gymkhana, all shirts must have a sleeve.

       The Silver Show will have its own dress code. 


       Club Shows- Points are accumulated on the rider. Except for Halter, Lunge-line and Snaffle Bit Classes where points are accumulated on a specific horse.  

        To qualify for Year End Awards, ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST earn a minimum of one point and have worked at a scheduled work day, show and/or fundraiser event. Participants must sign in at the show booth and in general are expected to work for approximately four hours. Adults cannot work in place of children. Leadliners are not required to work. 

        Open Shows- Points are on the horse only for open classes. Youth points are on horse/rider combination. 

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